Friday, April 23, 2010

Hitting The Wall

Just an update on my adventures in lap band land. The band has been a true blessing. It really has. What I don't understand is why my head won't accept the blessing. Since I had my surgery I have lost just about 55 lbs. It has been a wondrous thing, watching my body change. I've even been exercising, albeit with room for further frequency. I'm trying to make good food choices, and I can do pretty well, but I still have a propensity toward both sweet and salty, which leads to a slip or ten every now and again. The only problem with these slips is that they lead to prolonged periods of plateau.

So I had to write today in order to try and get this train back on the track, which means I have to dedicate myself to no more sugar, no more Goldfish crackers, no more ice cream (not even sugar free), decaf, and a concerted effort to consume my 60 grams of protein a day. It's not so damned easy. However, I've found that when I actually get the protein in, as I did last week with the barest of slip ups, the scale actually will move a pound or two.

Back to the basics, I guess. If my dearest husband is reading this, please stop buying granola and cereal bars and putting them in the cabinet. Or at least please hide them for a while, huh? I need to get back into the swing of things, and I'd rather the swing not be in the form of a crane that must lift me through the side of the house, thank you very much.

I'm going to come up with a few more Staples posts soon.


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