Monday, November 26, 2007


I don't know about you folks, but I have a hard time keeping up with drinking water on a daily basis. I hate drinking water. I know it doesn't taste like anything, but perhaps that's why I hate it -- no gratification. I also have a "thing" about public restrooms, to which the old agua has a habit of sending me about 15 times a day.

Crystal Light has those little packets to flavor a 20 ounce bottle of water and they're terrific. However, I don't count that toward my water intake for the day because of the artificial sweetener. Alright, sometimes I do, but not often.

I'm doing my part for the environment by using one plastic bottle over and over again. I'm not going to buy a case a week. I just fill up with the company Crystal Rock all day and get my daily intake there. You have to be careful with those plastic bottles though because I sniffed one that I had been using for a while and almost gagged. Something went rotten in that bad boy. I don't touch my mouth to any cans or bottles when I drink from them (and I've got the stains on many a shirt-neck to prove it), so I'm not sure what happened. Apparently there's a to-do lately about supposed toxins being emitted when plastic bottles start to break down, but I'm not sure that a breakdown was possible in the short amount of time I was using that particular bottle. Anyway...

I forgot my big water bottle today, so I had to rely on walking to the cooler several times and drinking eight paper cups of water. For some reason, the eight cups are really hard to get down compared to two bottles. Honestly, the things your mind can psych you out of!

At home I drink seltzer. I don't have a problem drinking that 33 oz. of seltzer after already having my RDA of regular water during the day. Polar makes some great seltzer: I like pomegranate and vanilla the best. Vanilla smells exactly, and I mean exactly, like cream soda, but once you get it in your mouth it tastes like cream soda with no sugar in it. And it's good. Surprisingly so.

Does anyone else have a problem choking down their daily water?

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